Munich 2013
The same procedure as every year
Another year comes round and with it a trip to Munich, as per 2011 and 2012. Again we're doing this in part to raise awareness of multiple sclerosis.
If you would like to donate towards multiple sclerosis research and support, The Multiple Sclerosis Society in the UK would be glad of your assistance as would Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft in Germany.
The story of the trip by Mike. Any opinions expressed in this are entirely Mike's (and therefore quite obviously correct).
Tag Eins - Montag
Once again, Easyjet were to whisk us away - this time from Manchester airport.
All went smoothly, had a good drive up there and, after a bit of a wait to
get the instruments checked in, a smooth flight. This time we were staying in
an apartment provided by Kilians, with Steve staying at Christine's, so we
parted company with Steve at Munich Airport and went to Kilians to pick up
the keys. Next stop was Trautenwolfstraße (Bad Wolf Street[1]) to drop
everything off at the apartment. A wander up the road ensued to go for
dinner/tea/supper at Helmut's House of Ribs. Not only were their potato
dumplings rather, well, suggestive,
they also had a rather entertaining photo mural in the Herren.
[1] Not really. I'm just a Doctor Who fan.
Tag Zwei - Dienstag
Kaz headed off first thing to Starbucks and returned with three steaming bidets of coffee. Refreshed, we sallied forth for breakfast, which finished up being giant sandwiches or Ecks (by Eck, that's a big sarnie) and further bidets of coffee.
Then we wandered northwards up Leopoldstraße to look at the
tram station, which is a marvellous combination of art and function.
Directly east lie the English Gardens, so we took a bit of time to have a
little look round them, something we've meant to do for the last couple of
years but never got round to.
The afternoon saw us going to Kennedy's to set up. Backline and drumkit were
provided, though Rob had brought some used but good condition drum heads. It
turned out that the tom heads had been recently replaced so he just put one on
the bass drum, as well as shuffling lugs around to make up for the ones with
stripped threads. Then the snare drum had been left at Kilians so he had a
little expedition to fetch it, and the drum stool had been nicked. The stools
in Kennedy's were a bit too low, but the snare drum soft case filled with my
jacket and fleece was just the right height. Some thin rope that Rob had
brought to stop the drumkit migrating was also pressed into service to stop
the toms wandering too far.
The bass and guitar amps were the same ones that
Steve and I had used the previous two years, so we just said hello to two old
friends. I'd taken kick and snare drum mics but they weren't necessary at
Kennedy's - Kilians may be a different matter.
We went back to the apartment for a rest and met Rosena Horan, an Irish musician who was playing at Kilians in the evening and staying at the apartment too. Then it was back to Kennedy's for some food prior to the gig. Seeing as we'd not eaten anything since breakfast, this was very welcome. Then on to the reason for being there, the music. We'd planned for 4 30-minute sets (which is what Kilians do and what Kennedy's do at the weekend) then discovered it was 3 40-minute sets. A quick revision of the set lists sorted that out, then on we went. We were really well received - plenty of jumping around (including one chap who started dancing rather precariously on top of a bar stool until a barmaid calmed him down) and singing along, and the quiet night that the landlord thought was going to happen didn't. Rather than a pub empty around 12 as he expected ("everyone's tired of drinking after Oktoberfest"), there was still a sizable contingent at 1.00 when we finished "Always Somewhere", and it looks like a fair few of them will be coming to Kilians.
Munich's public transport ceases about 12:30, so we taxied back at 2:00ish. And so to bed.
Set 1
- The Seeker
- Hard to Handle
- Wishing Well
- Stuck in the Middle
- Don't Stop
- Mustang Sally
- Cocaine
- Outlaw (original)
- Because the night
- Brass in Pocket
- Born to be wild
Set 2
- Radar Love
- Summer of 69
- Legend to No-one (original)
- Can't get enough
- Badge
- The Hunter
- Black Magic Woman
- Smoke on the Water
- It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll
Set 3
- Do anything you wanna do
- Black night
- You really got me
- Hoochie Coochie Man
- Sweet Home Alabama
- Dancing in the moonlight
- Love lies bleeding (original)
- Teenage kicks
- I saw her standing there
- Route 66
- Johnny B Goode
- Rock and Roll
- Always somewhere
Tag Drei - Mittwoch
Rising well before the crack of noon, we went to yesterday's breakfasting place for a reprise. No quite feeling as energetic as yesterday, we walked from there down to the Walking Man, a giant statue of, er, a walking man.
Kaz then spotted a rather attractive feature inside the building that the
Walking Man fronts, so she walked in and asked if she could have a look while
I (and, I suspect, Rob) quietly died of embarrassment.
The front desk security chap was very friendly and said it was fine, so Rob
and I also came in and had a look - it's a sort of Japanese garden within the
quadrangle formed by the office (and the window glass explains my ghostly
reflection in the photo). Rather unusually, the turnstiles controlling access
to the office space didn't have walls to stop you going round them but a sort
of moat formed by a stream running across the boundary, with the turnstiles on
a bridge over the stream.
Next port of call was Kilians for sound check. This time I put the bass, kick drum, and snare through the PA as well as vocals for Kaz and me. Maybe next year I'll bring yet another mic for Steve's amp, but I don't think it really needs it. And back the three of us go to the apartment to have a little rest.
So we return to Kilians for the evening session.
Throughout the first set
(of four) we don't seem to be bringing the audience with us. Kaz is using her
wireless mic and reports that she can only hear herself in the foldback, not
when she goes walkabout and listens to the main PA. I ditch the bass and drum
mics from the mix. We start the second set and when she indicates to me that
it's still the same, I stop the song and ask if the front of house amp is
turned up. Kaz goes over to check and it isn't. So we get them to turn it up
and suddenly the audience can hear Kaz too and the whole atmosphere changes.
We go through the second and third sets, then comes the start of the fourth
set at midnight.
We have received a birthday request, and Kaz sings "Happy Birthday" in the Marilyn Monroe stylee to an Italian gentleman called Guiseppe who refuses to tell Kaz his age (we would hazard a guess that he was a little older than the band members though). Then we plunge through the fourth set, and add a reprise of "Summer of 69" as someone who is heading back to California the next day missed us doing it earlier and expressed his regrets at missing it. We then feel a faint memory of naughty schoolboy as the manager tells us he wants us back for a soundcheck in the early evening for Thursday's gig as his bar staff couldn't hear the orders. We didn't think we were stupidly loud, but you should always keep the boss happy so we say yes. We have a little wander round to find a taxi, getting a fair amount of conflicting advice about where to get one, and one of our Irish friends from Kilians leaps into a taxi to tell the driver where to go, which happens (slightly surprisingly given his state) to be where we want to go.
Set 1
- The Seeker
- Hard to handle
- No turning back
- Summer of 69
- Can't get enough
- Badge
- Outlaw
- Because the night
- My generation
- Born to be wild
Set 2
- Radar love
- Wishing well
- Don't stop
- Cocaine
- The hunter
- Smoke on the water
- It's a long way to the top
Set 3
- Legend to no-one (original)
- Black magic woman
- Hoochie coochie man
- Mustang Sally
- Dancing in the moonlight
- Brass in pocket
- Stuck in the middle
- Born to be wild
Set 4
- Do anything you wanna do
- Black night
- You really got me
- Sweet home Alabama
- Teenage kicks
- I saw her standing here
- Route 66
- Johnny B Goode
- Rock and Roll
- Always Somewhere
- Summer of 69 (reprise)
Tag Vier - Donnerstag
Finally felt ready to face the world at 11:30. Kaz had already been out on a
shopping trip to buy a present for her mother. We breakfasted at the regular
place, then Rob headed for the department store up the road and Kaz and I went
for a slightly longer walk in the English Gardens
(mad dogs and Englishmen go
out in the midday rain). We managed a circuit of the lake, stopping at the
(two pots of tea and two slices of very nice nuss-tarte - 17 euros)
and to feed the ducks, geese, and crows
(at our last feeding session, the
number of crows surrounding us was reminiscent of The Birds - several
murders of them).
After a rest at the apartment, we assembled at Kilians for the planned
soundcheck - as we left the underground station at Marienplatz, I wondered at
the rather solid-looking lumpy rain that was falling - it was snowing.
and Christine caught up with us as we were sheltering from the snow (I think
Christ gave us shelter but it might have been the shop next door). Once set
up, we did a brief soundcheck and got the monitor and FOH levels right, a
little lower than last night's.
The gig ran well. We had a good chat with the manager, who was much happier. Some of our friends from previous visits came to see us, and the audience quickly warmed to us. The odd cock-ups didn't matter, and although we didn't keep them all in till the end, given that public transport stops running before the end of our last set and the weather was pretty unpleasant, we didn't do a bad job. Taxi back to the apartment after winding down and packing up (and why do Mercedes back seats split in the middle, instead of proper cars like Ford Mondeos where they split 2:1?) and so to bed.
NB. The BMW-owning 25% of the band has asked me to clarify that any opinions of the relative merits of Mondeos and Mercedes might not be shared by the 75% of the band who weren't sitting with one buttock on the split rear seat of a Mercedes estate.
Set 1
- The Seeker
- Hard to Handle
- Wishing Well
- Don't stop
- Cocaine
- Outlaw (original)
- Because the night
- Born to be wild
Set 2
- Radar Love
- Summer of 69
- Can't get enough
- Badge
- The hunter
- Smoke on the water
- It's a long way to the top
Set 3
- Stuck in the middle
- Black magic woman
- Hoochie coochie man
- Mustang Sally
- Dancing in the moonlight
- Legend to no-one (original)
- My generation
Set 4
- Do anything you wanna do
- Black night
- You really got me
- Sweet home Alabama
- Teenage kicks
- I saw her standing there
- Route 66
- Johnny B Goode
- Rock and roll
- Always somewhere
Tag Funf - Freitag
A pretty uneventful day, really. Breakfast as before. Kaz suggests a wander round Marienplatz and I point out that we've done wandering round Marienplatz in inclement weather two years on the trot now. So we relax for a while, then set out via Marienplatz where Kaz drops the apartment keys off, then to Munich Airport where we wander round for a while before finally working out what we're doing. Painless flight back and good journey back down a fairly quiet M6 to Tamworth, where Rob and Steve get in Rob's car for their final leg.
After our stay in the apartment our OCDs had rendered door hinges quiet (mostly so we didn't disturb each other) and locks free with the aid of some oil found in a cupboard, Kaz had prepared the laundry, and the battery in the hall clock replaced. We left it squeaklessly clean, so if/when we come back, hopefully we'll be able to stay there again.